Toward Underground Localization: Lidar Inertial Odometry Enabled Aerial Robot Navigation

Jiun Fatt Chow, Basaran Bahadir Kocer, John Henawy, Gerald Seet, Zhengguo Li, Wei Yun Yau, Mahardhika Pratama

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Localization can be achieved by different sensors and techniques such as a global positioning system (GPS), wifi, ultrasonic sensors, and cameras. In this paper, we focus on the laser-based localization method for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications in a GPS denied environment such as a deep tunnel system. Other than a low-cost 2D LiDAR for the planar axes, a single axis Lidar for the vertical axis as well as an inertial measurement unit (IMU) device is used to increase the reliability and accuracy of the localization performance. We present a comparative analysis of the three selected laser-based simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM) approaches:(i) Hector SLAM; (ii) Gmapping; and(iii) Cartographer. These algorithms have been implemented and tested through real-world experiments. The results are compared with the ground truth data and the experiments are available at
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Publication statusPublished - 29 Oct 2019

Bibliographical note

Accepted to IROS 2019 Workshop on Challenges in Vision-based Drones Navigation


  • cs.RO
  • cs.SY
  • eess.SY

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