Transfer Dynamics Cancellation in Real-Time Dynamic Substructuring

J. L. Du Bois, B. Titurus, N. A J Lieven

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

10 Citations (Scopus)


Real-time dynamic substructuring, also referred to as mechanical hardware in the loop, model in the loop, or hybrid numerical-physical testing, is gaining increasing interest from industrial sectors as a practical means of testing components of large structures under realistic operating conditions. Such tests commonly employ hydraulic actuation with force or displacement feedback to couple the physical substructure to the numerical model of the system being tested. A significant challenge in this type of configuration lies in the cancellation of the transfer system dynamics. The control electronics and hydraulics as well as the measurement equipment and feedback mechanisms all introduce their own dynamics to the system which need to be compensated for in order to provide meaningful results. This paper details efforts that have been made to model the transfer dynamics of a hydraulic actuator and its controllers and to employ these models in the cancellation of the transfer dynamics. Several models are proposed, ranging from first order transfer functions to more complete process models, and their performance is assessed in qualification tests as well as simple substructuring exercises.

Translated title of the contributionTransfer Dynamics Cancellation in Real-Time Dynamic Substructuring
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of ISMA 2010 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, including USD 2010
PublisherKatholieke Universiteit Leuven
Number of pages24
ISBN (Print)9789073802872
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event24th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2010, in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, USD 2010 - Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 20 Sept 201022 Sept 2010


Conference24th International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, ISMA 2010, in conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, USD 2010


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