TSUNAMI (II)-initial field trial results [macrocellular radio]

CM Simmonds, MA Beach, M Newman, R Arnott

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference Abstract


The TSUNAMI (II) (Technology in Smart antennas for UNiversal Advanced Mobile Infrastructure-Part 2) project is on investigation into the application of adaptive antenna technology for use in future generation mobile communications systems. The key aims of the project are to study the complexity versus increase in system capacity and coverage extension that can be achieved over the existing, non-adaptive networks. This paper presents some of the initial results from the TSUNAMI (II) macrocellular field trials currently being performed or the Orange Testbed in Almondsbury, Bristol. Field trial results obtained using spatial reference beamforming (SRB) are presented along with tests performed with the calibration sub-system. The results of these tests demonstrate the successful integration and operation of the TSUNAMI (II) system
Original languageEnglish
Pages9/1 - 9/6
Publication statusPublished - Feb 1998

Bibliographical note

Sponsorship: The TSUNAMI (11) project, is set-up under the EU ACTS research programme. The TSUNAMI (11) consortium consists of: Aalborg University (Denmark), Bosch (Germany), CASA (Spain) CNET (France), EFL4 Technology Ltd.(UK), Motorola (UK), Orange (UK), University of Bristol (UK), University of Catalonia (Spain) and Wireless Systems
International Ltd. (UK). The authors are grateful for the support of the EU and the contributions of their partners in this
project. The authors would also like to thank Paul Howard of Motorola for his help and support throughout the project

Other identifier: IEE Ref. No. 1998/219
Name of Conference: Colloquium on Antennas and Propagation for Future Mobile Communications
Venue of Conference: London


  • land mobile radio
  • adaptive antenna arrays


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