Two Decades of Gramscian Scholarship in China: A Critical Retrospection

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review


Over the last two decades, Gramscian research in China has shifted away from seeing Gramsci as a Western Marxist, from studying the philosophy of praxis to grappling with the concept of hegemony, and from only interpreting Gramsci’s thought to examining social problems in China through Gramscian lenses. However, Gramscian scholarship in China is found problematic too, namely, the misappropriation of the concept of hegemony, the lack of consideration of Gramsci’s other concepts, especially the integral State, and still relatively a dearth of studies on Chinese intellectuals using Gramsci’s concept of (organic) intellectuals. It is within this acknowledgment that the article suggests eight new frontiers that would advance Gramscian scholarship in China.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)296
Number of pages319
JournalInternational Gramsci Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 3 Aug 2022


  • Hegemony
  • Communist Party of China
  • England
  • organic intellectual
  • Socialism


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