Type-II quantum-dot-in-nanowire structures with large oscillator strength for optical quantum gate applications

Masoomeh Taherkhani, Morten Willatzen, Jesper Mørk, Niels Gregersen, Dara McCutcheon

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We present a numerical investigation of the exciton energy and oscillator strength in type-II nanowire quantum dots. For a single quantum dot, the poor overlap of the electron part and the weakly confined hole part of the excitonic wave function leads to a low oscillator strength compared to type-I systems. To increase the oscillator strength, we propose a double quantum dot structure featuring a strongly localized exciton wave function and a corresponding fourfold relative enhancement of the oscillator strength, paving the way towards efficient optically controlled quantum gate applications in the type-II nanowire system. The simulations are performed using a computationally efficient configuration-interaction method suitable for handling the relatively large nanowire structures.
Original languageEnglish
Article number125408
Number of pages9
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number12
Early online date7 Sept 2017
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2017


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