Using the formal pre-proceedings process to prevent or prepare for care proceedings

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter in a book

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The formal pre-proceedings process - a letter to parents listing child protection concerns and a meeting where parents are legally represented - succeeded in diverting a quarter of cases from legal proceedings for the child’s protection. This chapter discusses how this simple process impacts on parents and social workers to protect parents’ rights, ensure fairness and resolve child protection concerns. Recent reforms have changed the legal context for the process, increasing its importance and the focus on preparation for court. Nevertheless, by encouraging engagement it can still keep cases out of care proceedings.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWiley handbook of what works in child maltreatment
Subtitle of host publicationan evidence-based approach to assessment and intervention in child protection
EditorsLouise Dixon, Leam Craig, Daniel Perkins, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis
Place of PublicationChichester
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)9781118976173
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Child protection
  • Pre-proceedings
  • care proceedings
  • diversion
  • legal representation


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