Ward work and educational opportunities: Use of a ward round checklist to highlight opportunities for training and education.

Grace Pearson, Sally Wege, Sarah Rosen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference Abstractpeer-review


Workplace-based assessments (WPBAs) are integral to postgraduate medical training in the UK.
In July 2020 a survey was completed of Foundation Year 1 to Specialty Trainee Year 7 trainees working at The Royal United Hospital, Bath on the perceived ease or difficulty of completing the required WPBAs on medical wards.1 40% reported finding it ‘very difficult’ or ‘somewhat difficult’. The most common reasons for difficulties were ‘Pressure to provide a service over working on my portfolio’ (69%) and ‘Rota/staffing issues’ (53%).
New ward round guidance was developed with a dedicated ‘training and education’ section.2 This prompts senior and trainee clinicians to address educational needs at each clinical encounter, encouraging WBPA completion. The efficacy of the ward round checklist will be assessed in 2021, and further interventions may include educating senior clinicians on WBPAs.

1. Survey of WPBAs on RUH medical wards. https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-5YPRHSWY/ [Last accessed 16/10/20]
2. .RUH Ward Round Guidance October 2020. https://uob-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/gp1321_bristol_ac_uk/EZR1pH-xnVFIhoaTFK60YFIBpdhTAjxmvijYyhjkhHLGwQ?e=auvgp5 [Last accessed 16/10/20]
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2020
EventRoyal College of Physicians Trainees Conference - Online
Duration: 8 Dec 2020 → …


ConferenceRoyal College of Physicians Trainees Conference
Period8/12/20 → …
Internet address


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