What can be learned from the Bristol ChemLabS centre for excellence in teaching and learning 10 years on?

Tim Harrison, Nicholas C. Norman, Dudley Shallcross

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle (Specialist Publication)


Bristol ChemLabS, the centre for excellence in teaching and learning (CETL) in practical chemistry at the University of Bristol, is 10 years old. The centre was created by the school of chemistry with a £5m award from HEFCE (the higher education funding council for England), which was coupled with further investment from the university. This enabled the complete refurbishment of the teaching laboratories and the acquisition of new equipment. It also funded the development of teaching resources that transformed the practical experience for chemistry undergraduates, with associated benefits for postgraduate students, school pupils, their teachers and the general public.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Specialist publicationEducation in chemistry
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2016

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