What does what is done in first lessons tell about cultural practices and beliefs?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)


I have been revisiting interviews from about 25 years ago that have not, formally, been written up. Soon after each teacher's first lesson with a new group, I interviewed them focusing on the detail of what happened in the spirit of Bruner's "cultural psychology", how does what is done give insight into thoughts and beliefs. I would now describe the process differently, but the current interest is driven by the question, How possible or desirable is it to try to import the culture and practices of one country to another? After sharing the outcomes of the original interviews, I will compare and contrast teaching and learning mathematics in Hungary and the UK drawing from a 25-year experience of an exchange link.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the day conference of BSRLM
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventBritish Society for Research into Learning Mathematics: Day Conference - Liverpool Hope University, Eden Building, Liverpool
Duration: 11 Nov 201711 Nov 2017


ConferenceBritish Society for Research into Learning Mathematics

Bibliographical note

The day conference of BSRLM was on 11th November 2017 in Liverpool at Liverpool Hope University. The next step will be to write up the presentation as a 6-page paper for the day proceedings.


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