Why do Secondary School Chemistry Teachers Engage in Long-Term Outreach Partnership with a University?

Sarah R Glover, Tim Harrison, Dudley Shallcross

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While the effects of outreach with secondary school pupils has been researched the reasons teachers engage or the impacts on the teachers engaging in long-term relationships with a university department have not. Detailed interviews with chemistry teachers associated with outreach at Bristol ChemLabS have revealed many reasons for prolonged partnership both for their students and themselves. Perceived impacts on students include; inspiration, enjoyment, reward, motivation, experience of a university chemistry department, raising aspirations, curriculum support, extension, enrichment, stretch and challenge and each are discussed. Impacts on the teachers from repeated visits over time including those on subsequent teaching are explored. The language of links and partnerships and the power dynamics of relationships are also considered.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)79-97
Number of pages19
JournalActa Didactica Napocensia
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2016


  • Chemistry outreach
  • Secondary teacher engagement


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