"Wielosc czy jednosc konwencji. Uwagi o dramaturgii Federica Garcii Lorki" (Plurality or unity of conventions. Observations on the theatre of Federico Garcia Lorca

UJ Aszyk-Bangs

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter in a book

Translated title of the contribution"Wielosc czy jednosc konwencji. Uwagi o dramaturgii Federica Garcii Lorki" (Plurality or unity of conventions. Observations on the theatre of Federico Garcia Lorca
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOd symbolizmu do post-teatru (From Simbolism to Post-Modern Theatre)
EditorsEwa Wachocka
PublisherWarsaw: FAP
Pages124 - 137
Publication statusPublished - 1996

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