Workshop: The possibilities and challenges in developing a mental wellbeing curriculum

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An evidence-based set of resources in the form of a Mental Wellbeing Toolbox (MWT) has been developed to teach mental wellbeing across the veterinary curriculum at Bristol. The model describes techniques to maintain, promote and protect mental wellbeing. It aims to enable students to develop the personal resources and skills that will promote self-efficacy and a positive, fulfilling and successful career, while also learning to cope if faced with mental ill-health.

An initial version of the MWT was presented to final year students in 2017 in focus groups. A series of seminars were developed to deliver the material, which were given for the first time in 2017-2018. Focus groups were held with students from each year of the curriculum after these seminars, yielding positive and constructive feedback. A MWT Handbook has been written to provide students with a resource to use in their own time, which has been well received.

This workshop will include an overview of mental wellbeing and the MWT, including areas well received (and less-well received!) by students. Delegates will be split into groups to discuss ideas relating to the delivery of a mental wellbeing curriculum.
Learning objectives:
• As an example for teaching mental wellbeing to veterinary students, outline the use of the MWT in the BVSc curriculum;
• Describe the possibilities and challenges in developing a wellbeing curriculum;
• Apply and adapt ideas from the MWT to your area of teaching.
This workshop is open to anyone interested in teaching mental wellbeing to veterinary and nursing students.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2018
EventVet Ed 2018 - Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 4 Jul 20186 Apr 2019


ConferenceVet Ed 2018
Internet address


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