Coproducing Spaces of Dissent

  • Greg Leo Bond

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)


This thesis sets about coproducing an approach to filmmaking that will enable an encounter between the viewer and the film in which habitual ways of thinking and being can be challenged and disrupted. This approach to filmmaking was coproduced with Coexist, a social enterprise based in Bristol. Conducting this project ‘on the ground’ with a social enterprise led to the adoption of an iterative approach, in which the research is continuously informed by and developed in response to the needs and ideas of the community partner. This iterative process is further inflected by the decision to conduct a practice-as-research project, in keeping with a new direction in the social sciences, where arts practice is not understood only as a knowledge-communicating but also a knowledge-generating practice. We therefore harnessed the unique capacities of arts practice to enable new understandings of the everyday social tensions and political issues confronting the community partner.

The film-based practice that forms the impetus of this thesis reaches toward non-representational aspects of life as a means of enabling change. To foreground the less tangible textures of everyday life we engaged with the concept of haptic visuality in film theory to harness an embodied approach to filmmaking. The intention is to implement film as an affecting and affected space and to enable greater critical engagement within a social enterprise that is experiencing symptoms of institutionalisation in its quest for economic sustainability. The films were therefore coproduced as direct interventions within Coexist’s regulatory processes.
Date of Award6 Nov 2018
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bristol
SupervisorNaomi Millner (Supervisor), Angela Piccini (Supervisor) & John-David Dewsbury (Supervisor)

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