Hatred in Hesiod

  • Silvie Kilgallon

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)


This thesis examines the conception and role of hatred in the Theogony and Works and Days of Hesiod. Chapter One focuses on Styx as the central figure of hatred, and examines how she can be understood as hate in relation to her function as oath and river. Based on this, I analyse what is revealed about the role of hatred in Hesiod’s cosmogony and the newly ordered universe established by Zeus. Chapter Two introduces the children of Styx and examines them as a group before focusing on the first two children, Zelos and Nike, to investigate them closely in order to understand how the qualities they represent interact with and inform our understanding of hate. Chapter Three examines the other two children, Kratos and Bie, for the same purposes. In Chapter Four I take what has been discovered in the previous chapters and present a model and understanding of hatred that can then be used to examine instances in the texts where hate is mentioned. It will also be used to cautiously suggest and analyse instances in the poems where, even though hatred is not explicitly mentioned, elements of hatred appear to be at work.

This analysis aims to contribute to our understanding of emotions in the ancient world and the history of emotions, as well as deepening our understanding of Hesiod’s own personal conception of the universe.
Date of Award25 Jun 2019
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bristol
SupervisorPantelis Michelakis (Supervisor) & Kurt W Lampe (Supervisor)


  • hatred
  • hate
  • Hesiod
  • emotions
  • Styx
  • Theogony
  • archaic greece
  • Works and Days

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