How constitutional arrangements for the exercise of self-determination by the territory of Somaliland may impact Somaliland’s engagement with the international human rights system?

  • Jonathan J Whittle

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Through its exploration the thesis highlights that although Somaliland is an unrecognised de facto state there is a legal system in Somaliland with which the international human rights system can engage which has both strengths and weaknesses. The thesis also considers what the debates are around the exercise of self-determination in Somaliland. Having established this, the thesis goes on to establish there is an inconsistent and contradictory approach to the international community’s engagement with Somaliland and the status it gives to the self-determination Somaliland currently exercises. The inconsistent legal status of relations with Somaliland is then shown to impact the responsibility for human rights obligations authorities in Somaliland are considered to have and engagement the international human rights system has in Somaliland in relation to those responsibilities and obligations. The thesis concludes that an arrangement that allows a level of external self-determination and which is agreed by the parent state of Somalia is required for greater engagement between Somaliland and the international human rights system.
Date of Award29 Sept 2020
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bristol
SupervisorMalcolm Evans (Supervisor) & Rachel H Murray (Supervisor)

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