Quantum Resource Theories
: Operational Tasks and Information-Theoretic Quantities

  • Andres F Ducuara

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)


This thesis deals with a resource-theoretic approach to Quantum Information Theory (QIT), or Quantum Resource Theories (QRTs) for short. In particular, it deals with the identification of operational tasks as well as their characterisation by means of information-theoretic quantities. These operational tasks can be thought of as exploiting (or harnessing) properties of quantum objects as resources and consequently, such properties become of relevant and practical interest. Whilst several different mathematical objects from QIT can be deemed as potential candidates in possession of useful resources for a QRT, this Thesis specifically deals with quantum states, quantum measurements, and quantum channels which are, arguably, amongst the most fundamental objects in QIT. Amongst the properties deemed as resources we have entanglement, incompatibility, Bell-nonlocality, EPR-steering amongst others.
Date of Award12 May 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bristol
SupervisorPaul Skrzypczyk (Supervisor)

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