Where does ‘politics’ emerge from, in an elite Chilean business school?
: an ethnographic inquiry using Jacques Rancière’s philosophy

  • Juan Pablo P Subiabre Gonzalez

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy (PhD)


In 1976, while Chilean people endured an atrocious dictatorship, a group of economists saw the opportunity to test their ideas. With the congress in ruins and political opposition persecuted, the Chicago Boys led by Milton Friedman started a radical intervention of the whole economy (Harvey, 2005; Fuentes, 2021). Reforms not only included the privatisation of natural resources and key industries, but also the intervention of every educational space. Business schools were, consequently, a main focus of interest (Errázuriz Tagle, 2017). Thirty years after the recovery of democracy in 1990, many of them keep a staunch commitment with the ideological guidelines implemented back then. In the last decade, however, new generations have come to question this consensus.
This ethnography explores the contemporary political quarrels of an elite business school in Chile. Rancière’s philosophy is used as an experimental methodology that allow to bring marginalised voices to the front. By carrying on a “reconstruction of practices” of those who stand against the school’s police order, the school is revealed as a highly politicised space.
Findings are divided into three chapters. The first one narrates the successful feminist action of May 2018, where a group of students occupied upper management's offices demanding a sexual harassment protocol. The second chapter offers an overview of the school’s policing mechanisms. The obsessive promotion of “excellence”, the leitmotiv of the school, results in a disjointed social fabric where isolation and mental health issues arise. The third chapter profiles the school’s consensus on meritocracy and economic mobility. Facing this consensus around the role of the individual, dissident students and academics undertake the mission of finding creative ways to put their knowledge at the service of the people’s needs.
Date of Award21 Jun 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Bristol
SupervisorKeri Facer (Supervisor) & Patricia C Gaya (Supervisor)


  • Ranciere
  • Business
  • Disagreement
  • Management & business studies
  • Education
  • Ethnography
  • Equality
  • Dissensus

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